Best ways to retrieve equipment back from your employees

Retrieving equipment from your employees can be a tricky and delicate process. Whether they are departing the company or are no longer authorized to use a specific device, it’s important to know the best way to go about getting back the items in question. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the best ways to retrieve equipment back from your employees, how to handle any conflicts that may arise during the process, and what you can do to ensure that all parties involved are satisfied with the outcome. From managing contracts and expectations to offering incentives, read on as we explore some of the best methods for retrieving equipment back from your employees.

retrieve equipment

The importance of retrieving equipment from employees

When an employee leaves your company, it’s important to retrieve any company equipment they may have in their possession. This includes laptops, tablets, phones, and any other devices that were issued to the employee by the company. There are a few reasons why it’s important to retrieve company equipment from employees:

1. To protect your data: When an employee leaves your company, they may take sensitive company data with them on their laptop or other device. By retrieving the device from the employee, you can ensure that this data stays within your organization.

2. To avoid legal issues: If an employee uses a company device for personal purposes (such as storing illegal content or accessing pornographic websites), this could create legal problems for your organization if the device is not recovered.

3. To maintain control of your devices: It’s important to maintain control of your company’s devices so that you can properly manage and update them. If an employee leaves with a device, you will no longer be able to track or manage that device.

4. To save money: If an employee leaves with a company-issued laptop or other device, you will likely have to replace that device at full cost. By retrieving the device from the employee, you can avoid this expense.

5. To avoid networking issues: If an employee leaves with a laptop or other device that is connected to your network, this could create security risks and networking problems.

The best ways to retrieve equipment back from employees

When it comes time to retrieve equipment from employees, there are a few different approaches you can take. Below are some of the best ways to retrieve equipment back from employees:

1. First and foremost, try to reach out to the employee and arrange a time for them to return the equipment. This is often the simplest and most straightforward approach. Or use Accessed Space’s Employee Equipment Retrieval Service.

2. If the employee is no longer with the company, or if you cannot get in touch with them, then you may need to send a certified letter requesting the return of the equipment. Be sure to include a deadline for returning the equipment in this letter.

3. If all else fails, you may need to hire a professional retrieval service. These services specialize in retrieving equipment, and they may be able to help you get your equipment back quickly and safely. If you’re interested in exploring this option, Accessed Space offers an Employee Equipment Retrieval Service at an affordable rate.


When it comes time to get your equipment back from your employees, there are a few different options available to you. You can try to retrieve the equipment yourself, or you can hire a professional service to do it for you.

If you decide to retrieve the equipment yourself, there are a few things you’ll need to keep in mind. First, make sure you have all the necessary paperwork in order. This includes a list of the equipment that you’re trying to retrieve, as well as any documentation that proves that the equipment belongs to you. Next, make sure you’re prepared to deal with any resistance from your employees. They may not be happy about giving up their equipment, and they may try to argue with you or even stall for time. Be firm but polite, and let them know that you’re not going away until you get what you came for.

If hiring a professional service is more your style, there are a few things to keep in mind as well. First, research different companies and find one that has experience with retrieving equipment from businesses like yours. Next, make sure you have all the necessary paperwork in order before calling the company. This includes a list of the equipment that needs to be retrieved and any documentation proving ownership. Finally, be prepared to pay a fee for their services – it’s worth it to have someone else deal with the hassle of retrieving your equipment!

The consequences of not retrieving equipment back from employees

When employees leave a company, it is imperative that all company equipment is returned. This includes laptops, phones, tablets, software licenses, and any other company-owned property. If an employee does not return company equipment, the consequences can be severe.

The first consequence is financial. The company will have to spend money to replace the missing equipment. This cost can be significant, especially if the employee took high-end equipment. In addition, the company may have to pay for data recovery if sensitive information was stored on the missing devices.

The second consequence is reputational. If word gets out that a company cannot keep track of its own property, it will damage the company’s reputation. This can lead to a loss of customers and clients.

The third consequence is legal. If sensitive information was stored on the missing devices, the company could be held liable for data breaches. In addition, the company may face fines from regulatory agencies if it is found that proper security protocols were not followed.

The fourth consequence is operational. The loss of equipment can disrupt business operations and lead to downtime. This can be costly for the company and frustrating for employees who rely on the missing equipment to do their jobs.

The fifth and final consequence is personal. The employee who did not return the equipment may find themselves in hot water with their boss or even fired from their job. In addition, they may have difficulty finding new employment as word of their actions spreads.


Retrieving equipment back from employees doesn’t need to be complicated or time-consuming. By implementing the proper policies and procedures in advance, you can ensure that your company is able to get its equipment back with minimal effort. Additionally, by establishing clear guidelines for what types of equipment are eligible for return and how they should go about returning it, you can ensure a smooth process every time. With these best practices in mind, employers have a great chance at successfully managing their employee’s use of company property without any headaches or hassle.